Is there a fine line between slacking and "just being?" It is partly true to write that I have been enjoying the long lazy days of summer, really enjoying the moments as they pass and choosing to go kayaking with my children rather than work. A real model of "being" I would like to say. But the truth is I've been slacking.
I have to acknowledge this because what I truly believe is that when the art of being is mastered, one can have it all - efficient inspired action to get everything done that needs to be done
and a calm, centered emotional and mental state that allows you to enjoy the forward motion of life.
Being is not an excuse for inaction.
What I'm reaching for is more of a sustained ability to enjoy being rather than experiencing bursts of energy and inspiration that fade and leave me practicing the art of procrastination. I've gotten pretty good at that, so I'd like to move on to a new operating mode. Stay tuned. I promise I have lots of half written witty and fascinating posts that will be completed soon.