Friday, January 22, 2010

(even more) be who you are

I feel comfortably safe in the mainstream.  When I am pushing my shopping cart through the grocery store in my yoga pants and Uggs holding my Starbucks cup, I am very aware that I fit squarely within my demographic.  And the truth is, it's what I've always wanted.  But, I am always grateful for the lift, the delight, and the inspiration I get when I cross paths with a "character" - someone who is blatantly being who they are, seemingly without a care in the world for what the rest of us think. These people are demonstrating their freedom to be, the greatest freedom of all and it's ours for the taking. 

I love the "Character Project" from USA Network, celebrating America's characters with 11 photographers capturing people in a "stunning example of our country's diversity." It is worthwhile encouragement for each of us to question how we might be more uniquely ourselves. 
Top photo: Mary Ellen Mark

1 comment:

Alexa Coyne said...

u may fit squarely into your demographic but a more unusual, thoughtful, attentive person i have yet to meet! xx