A life devoted to spiritual enlightenment can get very heavy if we're not careful. Oscar Wilde said "Life is too important to be taken seriously" and I couldn't agree more. Fun and laughter with some good natured irreverence thrown in are key ingredients to a happy life as far as I'm concerned. The spiritual teachers I respect the most do not take themselves or their teachings too seriously. They present themselves authentically, acknowledging spirituality as the most important part, but still one part of their total self. People who have spent time with the Dalai Lama or Desmond Tutu often remark about how often they smile, laugh and crack jokes. "Keeping it Real" as my otherwise sophisticated husband likes to say when he entertains me with his adolescent boy humor.
Mike Meyers, comic genius, has a new movie coming out in June called "The Love Guru." I laugh all the way through "Wayne's World" and "Austin Powers" (especially the 1st one) no matter how many times I watch them. The website and the trailer for the new movie look like an equally hilarious parody of today's spiritual lifestyle. I might be skeptical if I didn't know a little about how seriously Mike Meyer's takes his own spirituality since watching him on Iconoclasts, one of my favorite TV shows on the Sundance Channel. Each Iconoclasts episode features two people who are very different, but share the distinction of being creative pioneers in their field. Mike Meyers and Deepak Chopra were a featured pair. They are filmed hanging out, sharing stories and experiences and learning from each other. As a fan of both men, it was really fun to see a different, unexpected side of them. Click here to watch a clip from the show.
As he says in the clip, "Enlightenment is lightening up" and since nobody is as hysterically, respectfully, relentlessly irreverent better than Mike Meyers, I can't wait to watch and learn from a master.