Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A New Earth - Chapter 3

The title of Chapter 3 is "Core of Ego," building off of Chapter 2 to get more specific about how we experience our ego.

Tolle says one sure way to know that we are operating from our ego is when we are complaining. Oprah asked about complaints such as when your soup is cold in a restaurant. Can't you complain then? Yes, when a complaint is made to bring about a change then it is legitimate. A good practice is to ask yourself "is (my complaining) meant to bring about change?" Actually, if we pay attention, we'll notice that most of the complaints are in our heads and never get verbalized. They include judgements, condemnation and criticism and the only purpose they serve is to strengthen our ego. What's most important is not to fight the ego or try to get rid of it, but to stop thinking it is who we are. When this process starts, it can feel confusing - If I am not all of those things, I'm not sure who I am anymore - Tolle says this is a good thing and we should be congratulated for it.

Each teleclass lasts 1.5 hours and most of the time is spent with callers and "skypers" asking questions to understand all of this in the context of their daily lives. One caller asked "Where's the fun?" if all of form is an illusion. The answer was to enjoy form (physical/material stuff) without identifying with it. True joy resides at a much deeper level than our ego and we can never be fulfilled if we look for it on the surface. Another caller asked a question I've often wondered about - eating and drinking. I've especially questioned my choice to drink (mostly wine, but I love a good margarita) and wondered if that is preventing me from being present and conscious, and if I should abstain. Tolle says he often enjoys a glass of wine, but rarely has more than one, not because he cuts himself off, but because he feels no need for it. It's about making conscious choices as much as possible.

There's really only one answer to every question which is: find a way to stay present and aware in the moment so that your choices and actions do not come from your ego, but from a place of deeper awareness that will lead you in a positive direction, toward the fullness of who you are.

Oprah's favorite quote from this chapter was "Only the truth of who you are will set you free." My favorite quote from the class, which I wrote in bold letters in my notebook was "I AM CONSCIOUSNESS APPEARING AS A PERSON."

You can listen to these classes anytime by going to

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