Nominate somebody you know for their contribution of love to the world. It's not just about what they do, it's who they are. When you are around them, you can feel the love radiating from them. What is it about them and what can they teach the rest of us? Let's acknowledge and thank them for being who they are. Write and tell me about them. One lucky lover will receive a "life of love" award. Also, the person who is chosen and the person who nominates them (that could be you!) will receive a "be love" shirt and some other surprise be gear.
You can nominate someone until April 30th by leaving a comment on this post or email me at leslie@thebeline.com

I do adore your clothes line and would love to have this shirt so I will think long and hard about this one.
OK, I think I have a nominee. It would be my mom. She showers my kids, my husband, my friends, my dog, my insecurities, my doubts, my fears, my joys and me with her unconditional support, interest, love and affection daily. And she does this for others through her work, and as a result, she makes her mark on the world by encouraging others to see the good in themselves. Does she win? Just kidding. I'm glad to write about her here regardless, and honestly, I'm glad to think about those handful of people who bring love to my life. Happy One Year to beU
My dear friend Kris Corpus.
He is genuine. And i feel his love hitting me like sunshine even from miles away.
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