Wednesday, November 4, 2009

be ecstatic

I wrote the word ecstatic in the last post and it stayed inside of me, like an air hockey puck, knocking and floating at the same time - ecstatic,    ecstatic,    ecstatic...

and then I read this in an interview with Yasuhiko Kimura- "Ecstasy means being unstuck, ongoingly ex-static.  So you must commit yourself to an ecstatic life" . No wonder it feels so good to say the word to myself. Imagine being ecstatic, unstuck, flowing, enjoying the forward motion of life. Or maybe the more accurate interpretation is - when we are truly being, ecstasy is available.

Talk about aiming high.  Do we dare to go for a life of ecstasy?  Are you daring enough to "commit yourself to an ecstatic life?"

photo from Yes, Please
quote from a back copy of What is Enlightenment? Magazine

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