Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Science and Spirituality in the Media

I'm noticing a trend - high profile media coverage of the growing awareness of, or curiosity about, the mind-body connection, alternative healing or "energetics."

- Time Magazine dedicated a February issue to "Mind & Body." The lead article is called "The Biology of Belief" and begins:

Most folks probably couldn't locate their parietal lobe with a map and a compass. For the record, it's at the top of your head — aft of the frontal lobe, fore of the occipital lobe, north of the temporal lobe. What makes the parietal lobe special is not where it lives but what it does — particularly concerning matters of faith.

read the rest of the article here

- This image is from a 5 part NPR series called "Is this your brain on God?"
- And the new film "The Living Matrix - The Science of Healing" is a documentary featuring "a wide range of scientists, researchers, psychologists and holistic practitioners to show some of the latest healing methods and how and why energy medicine works."

I have a copy of "The Living Matrix" at home and will be watching it soon, so if anyone locally is interested in joining, let me know!

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