Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the Ocean Blue...

Two things happened yesterday that caught my attention in a way that felt like a certain tone in the Universe's voice. One that sounds like "yes, we have eternity and all, but it would sure be nice if you started taking the hint now..."

#1 I was in Julianne's yoga class (love her) and she reminded us to keep our feet grounded just enough for stability, while the rest of our body opened, released and expanded - just one of the many ways practicing yoga is a beautiful metaphor for living life. She said "liberate your movement" and I wondered, once again, how she knew exactly what I needed to hear.

#2 I pulled a little book out of my son's backpack and read the cover which said "Christopher Columbus was an explorer. He went to places that were new to him."

I want that, I thought - I want to go to places that are new to me. I wasn't thinking about sailing anywhere (I get seasick) but becoming more. More of who I am. I don't know exactly what that is, but I know I'm holding back. This is especially true when it comes to building the be line. There is a big discrepancy between what I know it has the potential to become and what I want it to be vs. where it is. I've been in my comfort zone, but now that little voice is getting more persistent..."become more...grow, do what you came here to do...stop worrying about falling...keep yourself grounded just enough for stability and then let yourself open, release and expand." I don't know where I'm headed, but Christopher Columbus didn't expect to find San Salvador.

This happens to all of us - we grow, then plateau, then grow some more. I've come to realize that this is never going to end, and that's a good thing. We are not meant to figure everything out so that we can stop and relax once and for all. One lesson of "being" is to relax into the knowledge that we are, in every moment, experiencing, clarifying, choosing, adjusting, focusing, receiving and, here's the tricky part, enjoying the ride. We are all explorers - we're discovering who we really are.

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