We just made a few changes to
"the be line" website. I held up the process because I could not decide what to write for the "about be" page. I wanted to say so much, but we are determined to keep it simple. My sister, our brilliant graphic designer, always says "simple is difficult" when it comes to design and she is right.
I wanted to say: be is about now, the present moment, the only time we have to really live our lives. While we rehash the past, consciously and unconsciously, or worry about and plan the future, we are overlooking the complete perfection and beauty of our lives.
I wanted to say, be is about how we are each changing the world, in every moment, by who we are being. It is not our grand sweeping outward gestures that have the most influence on the world around us, it is the subtle, silent disposition with which we approach ourselves and others.
be is about how we are human
beings, yet we've become so distracted by doing and thinking that we have ignored our most natural state. be is about the part of you that cannot be seen, measured, weighed or evaluated. It's about the real you, the best part - your invisible and infinitely powerful spirit. Yes, that's right, I wanted to use the word SPIRIT for goodness sake.
I wanted to say be is about remembering that everything you have been looking for is already inside of you, just waiting for you to slow down and be still long enough to receive it, it's all here, you can stop knocking yourself out in the superficial, exterior, material world (and then I would have said there's nothing wrong with that world, it's just not where the answers are.)
I thought about saying there actually are no words to explain be. What it means to be does not exist in the realm of intellect or reason where we have become so accustomed to hanging out. Being can only be experienced, felt.
I wanted to say all of that, but instead I chose
this. What do you think?
photo: Deb Gorman and her mother, Judy Aydelott, our gorgeous models