Shocking, I know.
I jumped on the opportunity to write F double asterisks K when I heard about this book by John Parkin called "f**k it, the Ultimate Spiritual Way." Parkin "argues that saying "F*** It" is a spiritual act, the perfect blend of western expression and eastern ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realizing that things don't matter so much."
He has a website and a radio special on Hay House Radio today, Friday, December 19 from 5-6:00pm EST if you want to find out why you should Just Say F**k It! (I believe you can also listen to the recorded show if you miss it live)
"Saying "F**k It" is essentially about relaxing into the flow of life, just as it is" says Parkin, which made me think he could be onto something, so I've been experimenting. For example, I was worried some people might be offended by this post, but then I said "F**k it."
I worry about what other people think way too much which gets in the way of me, just being me.
You've probably heard the expression "what you resist persists" and using his technique can be a quick and easy way to bust out of any resistance you might be holding onto, at least temporarily. I have to say, it felt good when I tried it. So many times life feels like trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. Saying f**k it is just dropping the peg and trusting that life is working out for you, is on your side and moving you in the direction you want to go. That's also called being.
I've been saying that ever since I saw Risky Business in 1985 or so! That movie was wise and timeless it seems!
I love this post and think you should continue to say f**k it when you worry about what other people might think! Rock on Sista!!!!
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