I celebrate Christmas and have been enjoying preparing for Christmas Eve dinner for 25, the morning after with just the 4 of us and a quick trip to PA visiting with my side of the family for the weekend. I tell you this only because I am now in last minute mode, slightly less enjoyable, and will probably not post for the next week.
Singing Christmas Carols in church uplifts and grounds me at the same time. It is one of my favorite activities of the season. And, you sing previously unknown verses of familiar songs, like this one from "These Three Kings" which nearly brought me to my knees with a sense of hope and glory:
"Heaven sings Alleluia,
Alleluia the Earth replies"
I wish each of you the happiest of holidays, finding the magic in each moment.
photo found on "this is glamorous"
Merry Christmas Leslie, thank you for just being you! See you in the new year!!!!!
Merry Christmas Leslie...it has been fun staying in touch with you through the blog! Joyeux Noel et merci pour "etre" To Be. Liz
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