Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Enlighten Up

Girl's night out last week was a trip to the Jacob Burns Center to see the new documentary film "Enlighten Up" as part of their Meditative Life series.

The film follows Nick Rosen, a 29 year old journalist from New York City, as he practices yoga across America and India for 6 months in an "experiment" to see if and how it changes his life. Nick is skeptical and ambivalent about the potential for spiritual transformation. He also happens to be very cute - the camera loves this guy - and my friends and I agreed that filmmaker Kate Churchill made a smart choice with him. Superficial? Maybe. But, hey, it was girls night out.

I loved this film and think it was very well done. Was Nick transformed by the experience? Yes, but definitely not in a predictable way. To me it was a realistic portrayal of the subtle and unexpected ways we shift and grow when we become open, even a little bit, to the possibility of finding a deeper broader version of our self. It is not a linear process. It is confronting and exasperating at times. It is also an on-going, open-ended life-long trip. And, most of all, it is different for everyone. We're all going, it's just a question of how much we are willing to enjoy the bumpy ride along the way.

I recommend the film and agree with this review:
“…this simultaneously tongue-in-cheek and reverential docu will entertain the unenlightened without alienating the faithful.”

— Ronnie Scheib, Variety

If you don't go see the film, at least look at the great trailer:


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Media : Maestro Conference

Maestro Conference is a new website and technology for on-line conference calls and workshops. I just found out they declared July to be "maestro month" which means they are offering free seminars in areas of business, spirituality, health and societal change. The line-up looks great. I'm sad that I missed Brian Johnson from Philosopher's Notes, but there are still some great leaders and topics for the rest of the month.

All you have to do is look at the schedule and register yourself to call in and, if you choose, to actively participate in the workshop for free!

You can find out more here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I was recently introduced by a friend to MTV fitness guru Kristin McGee. Last week I took her yoga class at the Reebok sports club in NYC and really enjoyed chatting with her over lunch afterwards.

Originally from Idaho, Kristin is a vibrant and gorgeous example of a pioneer in blending ancient spiritual traditions and practices with a modern American lifestyle (her iPump yoga program is now an app on my iPhone.) Her goal is to demystify yoga, making it accessible without losing site of its origins. I came home with her Power Yoga DVD which I'm eager to use when I can't get to class.

You can see more about Kristin and her work here.

And I loved this "disappear" sign just outside the yoga studio at Reebok.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In 1991, just before graduation from college, I had an interview for what would have been my first real, full-time, big deal, job. During the interview I was asked to speak about an important figure in American culture. I chose Michael Jackson. Yes I did. I spoke about how he was using his fame and power for good, bringing positive messages to the masses. I specifically mentioned the importance of the lyrics to "Man in the Mirror," a song I love-love-loved. I really believed they would appreciate this bold response and feel they needed my youthful and fresh perspective in their organization... it probably wont surprise you to find out I did not get the job.

I remember being confused by the look of horror on my parents' faces when I mentioned my response to them. My mother's eyes glazed over and I was pretty sure I heard her mumbling "why not Eleanor Roosevelt?" under her breath as she walked away, convinced the educational system had failed me.

It was not much later that Michael Jackson's behavior and appearance started changing in extreme and strange ways. When the first accusations of mistreatment of a child were brought against him, I was devastated. How could I have been so wrong? I could no longer listen to his music without cringing from embarrassment about my severely misguided admiration. I'm so naive. I should have paid more attention in history class. Please God do not let that interviewer remember me and my ridiculous answer...

Fast forward 18 years and several jobs later...I'm taking a spin class and "Man in the Mirror" is in the mix. Unable to avoid it, I listened to the lyrics once again. By the end of the song I'm on a full, standing, spin-dance, I don't care who's looking, high. Those lyrics are amazing. I do love them. I was right. What a visionary I was. Screw that interviewer.

Not only that, I reveled in the realization that all these years later I still believe the lyrics represent one of the most important lessons in life,
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself then make a change
In fact, I've created a business based on that same message :
You can only be responsible for yourself. It starts inside. Be the change.

Michael Jackson had moments of greatness and moments of shame, as we all do to our own extent. So be it. Let's choose to focus on the good. Shake your body down to the ground.
Tomorrow, July 8, 2009, twilight begins on the east coast at 4:56 am. If nothing else, it's an opportunity to contemplate alignment. Is your life in or out of alignment with your deepest self? If it is flowing pretty easily, moving forward in a way you feel good about, then the answer is - in alignment. If you feel stuck, in a revolving door of frustration or disappointment - out of alignment. The wee hours of tomorrow morning are as good a time as any to ask for the strength to let go and trust, to let it be. To let the perfection of that moment move your life forward in directions you may not even know you want to go.

fun fact about the time and date from my wonderful cousin. Thanks Liz!