I've recently become aware of a school in Iowa, The Maharishi University of Management. This is an official university with traditional arts, sciences, business and humanities undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The difference is that they offer "consciousness based education" and all students and faculty practice TM (Transcendental Meditation) because it "boosts learning ability and creativity, optimizes brain functioning, and reduces stress." After just a quick glance at their website, there is a lot more that I want to know about MUM, as it's called.
What's got me so inspired now is a video clip on their site titled "Peace from the Quantum Level." It features the filmmaker David Lynch who is a trustee and Professor John Hagelin who seems to be quite the smarty pants. Anyway, I love when David Lynch says that world peace is not just a nice "little old lady" idea, but that PEACE IS REAL and we need more peacemakers in the world. I'm running upstairs to put on my be peace shirt and my promise to the world is that I'm going to be a peacemaker today. Here I go...
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