Monday, July 21, 2008


I love this quote from the book I'm reading now, The Seekers Guide by Elizabeth Lesser who co-founded the Omega Institute:

"We're going to have to be serious to add enough of the feminine into the patriarchy so that what emerges is neither a patriarchy or a matriarchy, but a human-archy. And not even that. What we need is a being-archy, where all beings are granted mutual respect and where decisions are made with the whole circle of life in mind."

This is one of those books where I am highlighting some profound wisdom on almost every page. I knew it was going to be good when I read in her introduction:

"When asked about making important choices, E.B. White said ' I wake up in the morning torn between the desire to save the world and to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.' Please don't feel torn as you read this book. You don't have to choose between loving your self and loving God, between opening your heart and illuminating your mind. If you take your time and keep your wits about you, you can create a wholesome and artful spiritual life that nourishes the whole self -- a spirituality that will help you enjoy the world, and perhaps even save it."

1 comment:

jcj1967 said...

I really like the site. Living in the moment is a lifestyle I have been working into my daily life for awhile(not always successfully).NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!!