I wrote in the spring about my excited anticipation of the movie "The Love Guru," but it got so many terrible reviews that I couldn't bring myself to see it. I want to preserve my opinion of Mike Meyers as a comic genius. As I mentioned before, he is friends with Deepak Chopra and based on the previews, was doing a great impersonation of Deepak's voice for the main character of the movie. Now, Deepak has a new book out called "Why is God Laughing?", "a humorous, fictional tale of a comedian and his unlikely mentor to show the way back to hope, joy and even enlightenment." That's so nice, their friendship. Anyway, I took this article called "the Path to Joy" off of beliefnet because I'm a sucker for spiritual optimism:
10 principles for spiritual optimism adapted from Deepak Chopra's new book:
1. The Healthiest Response to Life Is Laughter.
This first principle serves as an antidote to fear and sorrow by encouraging you to experience life as joyous.
2. There Is Always a Reason to Be Grateful.
This second principle is an antidote to victimization..
3. You Belong in the Scheme of the Universe. There's Nothing to Be Afraid Of. You Are Safe.
The third principle is the antidote for insecurity.
4. Your Soul Cherishes Every Aspect of Your Life.
The fourth principle is the antidote for feeling undervalued.
5. There Is a Plan, and Your Soul Knows What It Is.
The fifth principle is the antidote to meaninglessness.
6. Ecstasy Is the Energy of Spirit. When Life Flows, Energy Is Natural.
The sixth principle is the antidote to inertia.
7. There Is a Creative Solution to Every Problem. Every Possibility Holds the Promise of Abundance.
The seventh principle is the antidote to failure.
8. Obstacles are Opportunities in Disguise.
The eighth principle is the antidote to inflexibility.
9. Evolution Leads the Way Through Desire.
The ninth principle is the antidote to hypocrisy.
10. Freedom Is Letting Go.
The tenth principle is the antidote to attachment.
Go to beliefnet for explanations of each principle.
Photo: Andy Goldsworthy
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